Refund policy
You can return our shoes within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the product. The shoes must be returned in perfect condition, in their original box, and with all the accessories.
We do not accept size or model exchanges. You will have to make a return and a new order through our website.
You must return the shoes in perfect condition, inside their box and inside the transport box with which we delivered them to you. You must return the sneakers in the same condition they were sent to you, with all the accessories, and the box must not be written on or painted.
You can close the transport box with the «HOFF sticker» that we provide you with on delivery. If you do not have the sticker, you can seal it with a seal. If you do not keep the shipping box with which we sent you the shoes, you can return them without any problem in any other box, as long as it is well closed.